My life in blips

By Goretex

Lake Windermere, Waterhead

Today started off very wet, although that was the forecast so it was expected. I took MP out for a quick 'toilet stop' and included a morning purchase of very fresh, warm baguette fro the town's artisan bakery.

Due to the inclement weather, decided to head to Windermere for a wander. I can imagine in its heyday it was a striking and fashionable place to go, however, in contrast, I found Bowness-on-Windermere truly awful - tacky, touristy and very glad we were not staying there. The smell of burgers as we passed the lake shore confirmed this for me.

Headed back to Ambleside, of which we have become very fond. MP joined us for a coffee then reluctantly allowed herself to be engaged in some shopping, as I required to replace my walking shoes.

The weather cleared up around tea time and we went a walk down to the lake. It was warm and sunny so we enjoyed a drink in the garden of the one of the hotels, right at the water's edge. Fab .... and yes, MP did get a swim!

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