
desperately trying to get back into my reading mojo pre scotland. slowly getting there.

this morning started with a 7.30am prayer meeting at the orthodox church, the usual beautiful and fascinating sung liturgy with a backdrop of candles and ancient scribblings. this was followed by a delicious BBQ breakfast (there's no kitchen) and some good banter and stories from father stephen, who i'm growing rather fond of. at one point i was asking about the reason for kissing the icons and one of the guys asked: 'do i have a photo of my husband in my purse' to which i replied 'i don't have a husband' at the exact moment when everybody else went silent. it was all a bit embarrassing.

then onto another meeting (it's all the awkward ones this week) and a stereo fitting over lunch (oh the joy! a radio that works! a CD player that works! an iphone connector! a phone holder that won't make me nearly crash!)

then our office was overrun with builders who were intent on banging and drilling and generally making a noise and so i headed home to work. via the studio of Beth Fletcher, Artist and a surprise visit from two of the most likeable chaps in wales, who i've been dying to meet for a little while. i think i might have fangirled.

so, blip suggestions for holiday reads? music suggestions for road trippin'? go!

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