Swimmers' Log Book


Bird leisure complex

I enjoyed today. Spent the morning pottering with Chloe and the afternoon at H's school helping her group put together their plans for looking after the birds. Thanks to Grandpa they had an old bird table to work with, which they joined by bamboo ladder to a bird bath. This was followed by a zip wire to another bird feeder on a tree, and then bales of hay were used to make a hide for watching from. Oh, and a covered, upturned washing up bowl at the base became a hedgehog hole. I was instructed by Heidi to bring my tool kit and they just loved sawing bamboo and banging in nails. (The other groups just had scissors and string to work with.)
Looking forward to my trip to Sheffield with Joe in a few weeks for his nationals swim, as it feels like I never see him at the moment.

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