Tarot reading

A friend called me and asked me to go over to hers this evening as she wanted a tarot reading. I ended up there a bit longer than expected considering all the jobs I have to do. We had a decent catch up. It's been so long I forgot how to get to her house.

This isn't her reading, it's mine which I did when I got home.
It suggests PAST: Guided by love or seeker of the unseen
PRESENT: Confused by too many choices, surprises, let things settle down and everything will become clear.
FUTURE: Not being aware of potential sources of help open to you. Dont be too proud or too stubborn to try and do it all on your own, this will be a mistake. Be humble, be open, be generous. this can mean debt and favours not being returned. Inequality, someone is taking and not doing enough giving. Clarified by the Queen of disks. Motherly giving.

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