
The flower is Helenium.  It's blooms are no larger than a  2p piece. Amongst the petals and leaves, live these tiny little flies.  Don't ask how I saw them or what they are because I haven't a clue.  What I do know is that they have the most gorgeous wings that shine in the colours of a pastel rainbow and eyes that change colour depending on  which direction you look at them.  

I totally wasted any time I had today, searching for almost invisible insects amongst the vegetation and trying to focus on them with macro lenses.  I'm now cross eyed but have about 600 decent photos... pointless other than I was having fun.  

My second photo may well be the same insect.  The second was taken with a 65mm macro lens.  The focusing range is so small to get more than the eyes in I would have to stack images, which aren't really an option when the insect is moving.  Absolutely fascinating, their bodies and eyes change colour as they move around the plants.  They're perfectly camouflaged on the petals. Pity, there's no time to get an ID now. 

The dogs won't forgive me for not giving them the long walk I'd promised.  A quick run around the pond had to do and I'll make up for it tomorrow.  

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