
Just back from seeing a dear friend who had her baby on Saturday, She was glowing, she looked amazing and her little boy is simply scrumptious. Can't remember Wom being that small but know he was.

Another long day, a 4am start, not sure how many more of these stupidly early starts I can cope with. Managed to pack more of the room up, still bits to be done, but they can wait, lovely caretaker at school has said he will move all my stuff up to my new room which is lovely of him.

Two happy children picked up tonight. Wom and been down to the farm and was the only one awake so had been throughly spoilt, the photos and video they have posted are fab. Munchie had a wobble at drop,off as she thought her best friend wouldn't be there as she had had her leavers party yesterday, luckily she was and all was ok.

Daddy did bedtime, Wom had meltdown, Munchie was tired. Daddy asked if I expected him to get both to bed on his own. I grinned as I left the house. Sometimes it does you good to see things from a different perspective

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