Purple ..... and ...
...... what's the meaning of it!!!
Now it seems endless, but I'll
have a go .... purple is associated
with royalty,nobility,luxury,power,
ambition, wealth, extravagance ,
creativity, wisdom,dignity, grandeur,
devotion, peace, pride,mystery,
independence and magic!!!!
Well I did say it was endless?
I'm sure we can all find something
applicable to us??
So psychologically it is associated
with calm, spirituality , uplifts and
encourages creativity! ok so far...
.... now for the useless info everyone
should know? Purple was the first
dye produced by man, called Mauveine.
Discover by Henry Perkins in 1856 AND
it was made from coal tar!!!!
Prose associated with purple ...
...... But luckily he kept his purple crayon!
.... from Harold and the Purple Crayon ..
...1955 !!
Of course there are many references to this
colour in the bible, in relation to virtuous
women and the awful mocking of Jesus
before his cruxifiction !
Now I've bored you all with this, it's really
time I got a snack lunch ready for " A " ,
have a good Thursday.
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