
By Maldo29

I took Alex to a new place in the mall today where you can pay to have them watch your child while you shop and the kids will receive an art lesson and be guided through creating a painting/drawing of their choice.  I chose to stick around this time as I wanted to experience it with him.  For the most part it was good, however, there was more downtime than their should've been while we'd wait for someone to come around with the next instruction.  This didn't seem like it would be a problem until Alex started running over his paid-for time (due to their lack of attention) and they kindly said to me, he can leave with this half-finished painting, or for $10 more we can finish it with him.  $20 later (on top of the already paid-for $15) we finally walked out of there with a painting, an overly priced matte and a very happy little boy who wants to do it again and again.  Well worth it as he was proud to show it off at every store we stopped at afterwards and had an awesome attitude while I shopped.  Yes, I will gladly pay for that again.  You have to look at a few more of the pictures, though, and laugh at the fact that I think a prerequisite to working there is you have to be dark-haired, beautiful and dressed a bit provocatively.  An interesting approach when the whole idea is to leave your child with these strangers while you shop.  Stilettos, mini skirts and low cut shirts is a uniform I have yet to see in any other "day care".  ;) 

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