
By Tinford

Do come in....

So yesterday I was given the option of

a) Staying at work until 5
b) Leaving work early to watch the football in a pub

Seems like an obvious choice, but, I'm not a football fan. I am however a big fan of alcohol, so I went with my colleagues. I drank a few too many beers perhaps, and I hadn't done my blip.

I will cut a very long story short and say; when I looked at my camera just now I just looked over some really nice pictures of a cheeky cat for this horrible image. It's horrible, but, it fills me with emotion: I really don't want to go into that room!

p.s. just editing this to say, as my girlfriend didn't get this, I didn't want to go into the room because of the creepy frog. He doesn't look dangerous, just creepy, like clown creepy....

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