
By Tinford

Rock of Ages

Today I avenged myself!

The story:
My friend Steve and I are trying to climb every climb of a certain grade within the Bailiwick of Guernsey, graded Hard Very Severe or HVS, and the aim is to do it in one year. We're not doing great, but, we are getting out there in the rain and we are earning our beer.

There is one climb in the island that I've been dreading for years, since I had an epic on it with my little brother. That day, I was very hungover, but I was on a top rope and very safe. Yet, if I could have cut the rope that day to let it all be over, i'd have done it. Today I was forced to face my fear lead climb that same route, Rock of Ages.

In climbing terms there is something called Disco Leg. It's basically where you are so terrified your leg or legs shake uncontrollably. It can be dangerous in itself, and in this photo, I was holding on to not-so-great holds giving myself a talking to, to try and control the shakes so I could push on and finish the route.

I'm not sure if i'm breaking the rules here, but my little bro picked up my camera and took the picture from a cliff opposite where I was. Genetically we are basically the same person, so I don't consider it cheating. It's basically a self-portrait.

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