I'm back - and this is before I went away!

I've never had such an enforced absence from blip - and it will take me ages to catch up!

I've just spent two weeks in Mongolia, with no real internet connectivity (we did manage an internet cafe, but I didn't have my laptop with me at the time),

Then on my return to the UK, my suitcase didn't make it - complete with my laptop cables and my hard drive with ALL my pics - I NEVER put that in my checked luggage - don't know what made me do it!

Finally, yesterday evening (July 16) my case was delivered to my house. All contents intact, but the case totally trashed - wheels hanging off, handles ripped etc. There will be a claim for the case (and some damaged contents) but for now I'm happy to have got my stuff back.

This swaying barley was taken in a field near Maulds just before I left. Pretty rare to see cereal crops in this area - I thought that they only grew sheep!

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