Loo with a view

When you sit on the loo in my bathroom you can gaze out towards the cricket club. I am near enough to hear the leather on willow and the Howzats, but I am far enough away for it not to be intrusive. Of course, you can see better when there aren't as many leaves on the trees, but I can can see when there is a match on. Anyway, I thought I would share that with you....ha ha ha.

It was lovely having a lie in this morning, but I couldn't laze for too long...I had to get busy, busy, busy. I made a list....because I do like my lists...then I set to work. I did job number one...yay! But then I was bored of cleaning so I went out and had lunch with Pat. I had struggled all last week with a headache and my glasses, so I headed off to get my eyes tested....nearly four hundred pounds later I had new glasses on order...sigh. It was time to get home and carry on cleaning.

When home I spoke to Jude and said I would walk round for a cuppa, I nipped into the cricket club en route for a pic. We had a drink and a chat and then I said I had prevaricated for long enough so I returned home and did another job. 

Have I completed my list? Have I heck!! But, I can do a couple in the morning. Then it is all go for a fun packed exciting weekend....yahoooooooo.

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