
Firstly I must apologise for this photo. Ann had cropped out all the surrounding crap area and when she tried to post it onto blip she got a message saying, 'Sorry the image dimensions are too small. Please choose another image.' So what's that all about then? We've never had a problem with cropped photos before?!!

Anyway for my afternoon walk I went to see Ann's friend Liz. Liz is a blipper and she's got a new puppy - Freddy!

Honestly?!, humans go a bit gooey with puppies. They were 'ooohing and aaaaahing' and cuddling him. OK I suppose he is quite cute.

...............But I'm 'Molly the gorgeous collie' and at least I can sit sensibly to be blipped without anyone holding onto my lead.

......................I wonder how long it will take Freddy to learn the word BLIP?!!!!

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