
By HighlandCoo

Scarce Swallowtail Butterfly

This was the first time I'd ever seen this butterfly in Crete. Well, in fact, the first time I've ever seen it anywhere! Due to the furry body, I initially thought it was some sort of pretty moth. 

I have since discovered what it is:
"The Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) is a Palearctic swallowtail butterfly found in gardensfields and open woodlands."

Seeing as some of you are being a bit freaked out with the creepier of the Cretan crawlies, I decided that this would be the prettier blip from today's bug-safari.

Check out my extra pics for Cicadas. Also, check out my YouTube Video and hear how noisy these critters actually are! Again, apologies for the poor quality video, but the sound is good!
Oh and there's an extra one of me sipping on a strawberry mojito too!

P.S. day 9 of back-blips from Crete.

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