Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Poorly Evie.

It always worries me when Evie's teacher makes a beeline for me, especially when she had gone to the effort of coming into a different playground to find me.

Evie is struggling at school, not at learning but with friendships :( today she had her fingers shut in a door because the said child was cross about a friendship and then poor Evie spent her lunch time on the buddy bench. Does it really start this early?? Her teacher also said she was feigning earache because of the situation. I thought I would take her to the doctors just in case and it appears she has an ear infection. Evie has really been so good since Colin has been gone, I hate that she is having this trouble. I'm petrified that when she moves to her new school in September she'll be an outcast... Maybe I'll consider home schooling ;)

ION: I had a mahooooosive bouquet of flowers delivered today from Col in Ibiza, I suspect they didn't come all the way from Ibiza but the were a wonderful surprise!! Flowers make me happy :)

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