All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Music Box

It felt like a long day at work today, not helped by the fact I had to get up several times during the night to settle Ethan and then he got up for the day at 5.45am. Of course his cousin, who has recently been doing weeks of 5 something o'clock starts, decided to sleep nearly an hour later than that!

I got back to the Foreveryoung household after work to discover that she had had a great day with Ethan and that (in her words) he had been no bother at all. Poor Eden was clearly worn out after her day at nursery though and it was meltdown city with her. Reminds me of how Ethan was for a long time too on post nursery evenings. I took both kids up to Eden's bedroom and wound up her music box - amazingly it grabbed her attention, she stopped crying and both kids lay down on the floor to listen and play with it. Result!

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