
By Madchickenwoman

Misty Mizzle!

A misty mizzle for most of the day so a morning spent very idly doing some blip browsing and reading, then a comforting lunch of soup and crunchy warm bread and cheese! On taking Portly out I  discovered it wasn't as wet as I had thought and the village still looked beautiful shrouded in its mist. I often think of Calstock being like Brigadoon, hidden for all but 1 day in a hundred years.
A gentle pottering afternoon and on to the final book of the trilogy I have been reading - as usual when caught up in a book time and my surroundings disappear and I am totally taken up with the characters and events in the book - when next I looked up from the page it was blue skies and sunshine! I grabbed Shadow and plopped her down in the conservatory. After half an hour she had made it to the door! She is now gingerly stepping around the garden - poking her beak into the pot plants. She is still swollen and not eating or drinking much -  so could go either way.Oh fat cat has just surfaced/descended from the attic - food for her and the fish - Gunther is asleep having consumed 2 fat Locusts and 2 Black Crickets this morning! Milly and Tilly back in their run after Tilly finally p...ed me off pecking at my leg! 
The village is incredibly still and quiet - only the chirping of birds and the barking of dogs to be heard. Seems everyone is having a quiet day! 

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