Magpie-lark or Murray magpie
The magpie-lark is a conspicuous Australian bird of small to medium size, also known as the mudlark in Victoria and Western Australia, the Murray magpie in South Australia, and as the peewee in New South Wales and Queensland.
Because the name piping shrike is not used to identify any bird, there has been some confusion over what bird it represents. While some think it resembles the Murray magpie (Grallina cyanoleuca), the original reports specify that it is based on the Australian magpie. The piping shrike is the emblematic bird that appears on South Australia's flag, State Badge and Coat of Arms.
I saw this smaller magpie species and thought it was a long time since I had blipped this version. Hence my blip of the day. It is much smaller than the ones we feed on our balcony.
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