Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Running late

Out late(ish) with the camera tonight and very beautiful it is now as well, after a day of sun splashes and some really heavy rain.  Still, I've got everything needed done today, with the help of kind people and a few laughs, and I'm happy about that.  Tomorrow will be another busy day, but that's okay as long as I don't get behind myself.  No running late like this chap!

I don't know if it's of interest, but I did contact blipcentral earlier on because although I've been notified of *s and hearts for yesterday's, not all of them got through to my page.  I wasn't too bothered, but I was interested in the reaction I got - a very conciliatory holding email making all the right noises about valuing us, etc, though the fact that it talked about the 'changeover period' made me wonder if it was written rather a while ago, or whether the changeover has been technically more challenging than was first thought.  It doesn't excuse the long silence, but did make me hope that things would get better - eventually!

So that's me for tonight.  Have a good one  xx

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