
By tookie

Memorial Tribute

This is my dear friend Barb (been a blip star many a time) whose Aunt died recently and the memorial was today.  She and her aunt were more like sisters only being ten years apart.  We knew Barb's Aunt Franny very well.    Aunt Franny died at the age of 98 having lived a full and giving life.  Her family and friends gathered today to share memories of a woman that passed her generosity and smiles on to so many....always an upbeat person despite many hardships and physical limitations as she aged. She always welcomed you to her home with open arms and generous hugs....and cookies and lunches!  One time a few years ago we visited her with Barb, Barb's now passed away daughter, and our dogs.  Aunt Franny insisted we bring the dogs and let them into her very lovely condo to my horror.  The hooligans rasseled around while Aunt Franny kept saying "how cute"....ah...not really.  But she was entertained and our visit was welcoming and warming. And that was how she was with everyone.  Her daughter and granddaughters and great grandchildren and numerous community and long time friends came to share the love she so easily shared.  I am so thankful for having known her for the past 38 years!
Thanks for the understanding of my lack of commenting during this week of 3 memorials we are going too....time is precious and I will be back at visiting you all very sincere appreciation for each and every one of you! xo,C

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