Papa Meilland

The World's Most Fragrant Red Hybrid Tea Rose

I read this on a website called “Roses in Gardens”

In the language of flowers, red hybrid teas have become the ultimate symbol of romantic love. Any man,who wants to declare his love to a woman will bring her some red hybrid teas. Since very few men grow their own roses (mine does!), he has most often bought them at the florist or at the supermarket. She is going to smell them and be utterly disappointed! But - it is the thought that counts right? Now what if he had given her a dozen red Papa Meilland hybrid tea roses!. Oh man - you are going to sweep her of her feet! Her legs will tremble and she will swoon over the ultimate strong rose scent filling the room she put them in. Many times a day she will smell the flowers and have her nose and cheeks caressed by the velvet red petals.

Igor presented me with this one at breakfast. How lucky am I??? :-))

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