Germany Day 6 - Cafe in the Forest

Extra - Igor smiling at the beginning of last night’s gig. Maybe because at last they had an indoor venue, although I think this might be the only indoor venue of the tour. Once again they played brilliantly and the audience loved them. Some even showed their appreciation by line dancing to some of their numbers. Several large German ladies strutting their stuff in a small space was a sight to behold. I think it might be a once in a lifetime sight! At least I think I hope so.

We went up into the Teutoburg Forest for lunch today. My grasp of the language isn’t getting any better when it comes to reading menus (or anything else for that matter). In some ways it’s worse than seeing warning signs and not knowing what they mean. Fortunately Igor knew the owner of the cafe (the band is playing in the garden there tomorrow for their final gig) so we were able to ask for soup and a simple salad. We went for a short walk in the woods afterwards. Pleasantly cool and very quiet. We didn’t discover any lost legions and we weren’t attacked by any Barbarian hordes.

Word of the day - Eichhornchen is a squirrel. The german for acorn is eichel so I think it translates as acorn muncher. Another very useful addition to my vocabulary.

Off to a Garden Party where Borderline Crossing play amongst the chickens.

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