Super hero training school

Today the ECC are taking part in a Superhero Training School organised by the ECC and ES PE teachers. In between my own lessons I volunteered to help out which was a lot of fun as I got to see my own kids compete at various times of the day.

Each age group had to complete the obstacle course (which was on two levels) as many times as possible (and was made more difficult for the older kids). If they completed it successfully and showed superhero skills of helping and supporting others then they were awarded with points (in the form of balls). If each age group were successful and the wheely bin was full at the end of the day then this meant that they had succeeded into making the school a Superhero School which would mean that on Friday the Head Teacher would allow the children to come to school in Superhero costumes. The level of excitement was crazy and it was great to see everyone really involved and enthusiastic.
They were, of course, successful and my two have been talking about it all evening!

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