Brussels 20km 2015

This is my third year of doing this race and every time I say never again. This time I mean it. Please don't let me do it next year as I never enjoy it.
It is a huge event with well over 30,000 runners taking part. This year they messed up my number and put me in the second wave which didn't bother me as I thought we all started at the same time as the second wave is not placed behind the first wave but in line on the other side. This was not the case as I think they started my wave 10 minutes after the first wave which meant that I spent nearly the entire race weaving in and out, being tripped and elbowed, working out how to get around the wheelchairs (with teams who push them) who start in front of the second wave (not sure what the logic is there), and getting frustrated by people who are walking before the 2km marker - how/why do these people get ahead in the first place?
Anyhoo it didn't help that I just felt plain terrible. Alarm bells started ringing when I started warming up as I felt so weak and out of breath but I thought I'd be okay when I got racing. This was not the case which wasn't helped by my frustration which meant I felt stressed. However being the stubborn so and so that I am I refused to give in and I finished the race in a respectable time, if not a great time.
Taking the above photo, walking to the metro and getting home is all a bit of a blur as I just felt so ill. When home all I could do was curl up in a little ball. After an hour or so I managed to drag myself to the bath where I promptly threw up all over myself. Nice. Unfortunately this didn't make me feel better which is often the case when you've been sick so I think a trip to the doctor is needed tomorrow.

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