Ramblin' Rose

Ramblin' rose, ramblin' rose
Why you ramble, no one knows
Wild and wind-blown, that's how you've grown
Who can cling to a ramblin' rose?

After all the excitements of yesterday a more chilled day - coffee at the Heron Gallery, sitting in the sunshine and saying goodbye to Printman and Bryony who've been over for a week. A rather pleasant midday swim whilst the tide was in and then some pottering in the polytunnel - old beans out, new kale and leeks in.

This little rose is prolific this year - cascades of blooms and a faint perfume. If it's friday it must be flowers. Thanks to BikerBear for hosting and she's done a beauty this week.

if you get a moment do take a peek at  yesterday's adventures , a wonderful day.

Ramblin' Rose

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