On the net...

Carted 24 weaned bullocks over to join the 21 from the other day,then went and baled the rest of the grass that way lying cut. Wee brother wrapped it while I nipped to the bank and post office.
Came back in time to empty a pallet load of stretch wrap that was being delivered. Got black this time as it was £48 a roll compared to £56 for the green. It works out about £1.60 per bale just for the plastic. The blip is of the net wrap that the baler puts round the outside of the bale to hold it all together. It's about £136 a roll,and adds about another 60p to the costs.
Spent the afternoon carting 5 loads of heifers up to the hill.It's an 8 mile round trip and the road where I let them off into the field is like a race track ,so high viz jacket on.
While washing out the trailer tonight,it occurred to me that my life revolves round grass. If I'm not growing it,fertilizing it,baling it,or feeding it , then I'm shifting it as it comes out the other end !

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