Blue sky thinking!

Another nice day and dogs enjoying the wide open spaces. Spent most of the day doing bitty stuff here and there on a very slow computer! Going to Oban later and to Inverness tomorrow for a long drawn out language training session that will probably bore the socks of me and make me behind in the real stuff I should be doing! All this blue sky training is a load of bollocks! Its of no earthly good, involves a 300 mile round trip and all the while the work moans about keeping costs down! Grump grump!
Had to send my lovely wee camera back as it keeps vignetting on all my pics and curving my horizon more than it ought to so they said send it back and we will replace it. ~2 daughter still waiting for her car, yesterday front wheel bearings replaced, tomrrow the rear ones. Not a happy bunny is she!
Happy blipping

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