Feed me!

I left the hospital in deep depression this afternoon. HH had added an oxygen mask to the gamut of equipment attached to him, and his attempts at speech were more like gurgles. I couldn’t understand much at all, but bless him, he was still able to manage a smile and a laugh. Most of my hour there was spent tickling his feet, something he wishes I’d do more frequently.
However, a doctor friend of our daughter’s visited him later in the afternoon, managed to understand him and thought he was progressing far better than I had led her to believe. And this evening, another friend with a lot of experience of hospitals and ICUs reminded me that recovery from abdominal surgery is usually much slower and more difficult than, say, from a broken limb. So here’s hoping I’ll find him better tomorrow.
Spotted the cat on my way back from letting someone in to dd’s and Bb’s flat. It greatly reminded me of our insatiable creature.

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