
By Madchickenwoman

Favourite Garden!

My favourite garden ever and forever!!!! Trematon Castle. The blurb in their pamphlet  has a John Betjeman quote:-

" of the superb views of Cornwall..all the more romantic for being still a private residence..."

Well the lease is up and the current residents are the Landscape gardeners - so if they go will it still be open to the public 3 days a week and will the gardens still be done by them?! I have been 3 times now, and will be going again when my sister arrives - and will probably keep going on a monthly basis to see as much of it through the seasons as I possibly can just in case! This is the link to my first visit with more information if you should want it. Plus my second!!
French Dweller and I argued on the way there - I forgot she grew up in Saltash and as usual was listening to my sat nav on the phone and disregarding what she was telling me! Until I didn't, and so then was asking her whether it was left or right, and before she could answer the sat nav did!!! We nearly crashed as both laughed too much! Couldn't have been better timing if it was a human - which given I am watching the series Humans could actually be true!
Well we drank, walked, went our separate ways and met up again and repeated the same again and again!! I squealed and "Ooh'd" and gazed in wonder at the lilies, allotment garden, Angel trumpets and white cloth in the Thai bath house. The sweet pea avenue which when I first visited had just seedlings beginning to develop, were in full bloom and the scent with the lilies was intoxicating. Have I told you how much I love this garden?!
The only downside was my complete frustration at my lack of skill in capturing all the beauty. I did play around with my camera but couldn't help but think I was missing the potential in all that I was seeing and trying to photograph. So what to blip! Was tempted by the butterfly, I rescued another one caught behind the netting but this one was too high, but I did  wedge the net up so I'm hoping it got free. Who am I trying to kid - tempted by loads!! But going on the exclamation I gave upon seeing the light through this window I have decided on it not one of the delightful flowers!! Was going to add extras but internet connection keeps going - Flickr link here when it finishes uploading! 
Milly is looking a tad brighter - up at 5 am to syringe more water into her little beak. Not really eating but at least did come out of the coop this afternoon and sit in the sunshine, but she feels so incredibly thin and fragile.
Potted on my Nicotiana sylvestris and emptied waterlogged plant pots from yesterday's deluge. Then prepared the cutting of a very unusual scented geranium that somehow found its way into my bag along with the seed pods of a  very delicate pink nicotiana! 

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