
By Madchickenwoman

Oh Blow It!

A very wet opening of chickens, and as I was wet and dirty by the time I got home from opening and cleaning them I grabbed Portley and took her for a walk as soon as I got home. Milly is still poorly and I am syringing water with antibiotics into her beak. As I write she is in a cat carrier under the table, she has shown no inclination to leave it, not even to join Tilly in the coop this eve, so she can stay in the warm and dry for the night! 
It was Nellie of the Woods birthday today and she had an open house, so Friend, French Dweller and I set off in the pouring rain to celebrate with her! As it was so cold in their house they had lit their fire in the front room! People came and went, ate soup and homemade bread and cakes, drank peppermint tea and of course chatted! I discovered the young French woman was not a friend of their daughters as I had assumed, but a sofa surfer! Barry belongs to a site where people meet to arrange stays on people’s sofas as they go on their travels! Barry and Nellie have not yet surfed on anyone else’s sofa, but plenty have surfed on theirs!
Nellie had a birthday book for people to write words, poems, draw pictures – much hilarity ensued when Barry drew Friend and Teacher on the said sofa, Teacher drew Barry, French Friend drew me, I drew a chicken!! Badly!
My blip is the face that adorns their garden wall by the house. It was a gift from a friend who was living in Italy. According to this friend it’s of a god who blows evil away from the house, it was later used by the Mafia to mark out houses whose owners were protected by them as they had paid for this “service!” I can find no link to this having done a big google search – so if anyone knows any different do tell! It does look remarkably like Barry! 

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