The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Somewhere in here is my ball...

Hmmm. The grass really is getting long. Good job you will be home in seventeen days!!!

So, much better sleep lastnight and today the middle of my back was all fine and dandy! The bottom half still gets numb and my neck is locked but it's a definite improvement. I have eaten my body weight in ibuprofen so it should be getting less inflamed! Anyway, I have accupuncture tomorrow at 9am so I'll skip by from work to be pinned down. I've never had it before and I'm not a fan of needles so god knows what persuaded me to go for it! Anyway, I'll report back tomorrow on my pin cushion experiences.

The day at work was tippety top. Lots of productive meetings, two excellent observations, four interviews resulting in two very good appointments and a session with leaders that went down a storm. I'm a happy chicken!

And I am going to talk to you in forty minutes - YEAH!

PS. And I was in the Newark Advertiser last week for my blip story...I'll try and post a pic of the pdf when I have it in my grubby mitts. But...they printed our ages...ARGH!!! ;0)

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