Good friends

What a busy weekend!

We stared the day at the hotel and after getting ready we went out for breakfast to Sainsbury's. After a long wait for food we finally filled our grumbling tums. Then it was time for a surprise visit to our good friends Stephen and Rianne. Luckily they were in. It was great to see them and catch up on all their goings on.

It's was then onto Eddie Katz to visit my good friend Helen, where we got to meet adorable little baby R and to see her big brother C along with their daddy. P & C had a great time running around all the soft play and only stopped for a bite to eat. They've always played so nicely together and despite not seeing each other for ages it's like they have never been apart. Helen and I had a good long catch up which was well overdue. I miss being able to pop round the corner for a natter but it makes it even more enjoyable when we do finally get to meet up. I didn't take any pictures but Helen got this lovely one of us all together so I'm going to use it too :-)

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