The Living Years

By emmaneni1

New For Me

There are lots of these flowers in the field next to the estate but I have no idea what they are. I went out to take pictures of the sunset but it wasn't nearly as impressive as the one yesterday that set the whole estate on fire. So here you are.

5 and a half hours of oral exams killed me today.
This afternoon 2 of the teachers that went on the trip last week were given a bonus because of it. I don't understand why myself and a colleague weren't. We worked just as hard as the others. I can't help but feel it undermines the work that I have done.
Bless my amazing friend though because she said she would split her money with the two of us who weren't rewarded.
I just wish I knew why. Is my time worth less? Am I not good enough? After our meeting on Monday and my results yesterday I was feeling so proud of myself. It's all gone pop now.
I am 100% going to finish my work tonight!!! I know I've been saying that for a while. I'm just too good at procrastination.

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