Early morning/early blip

Started the week off early! On my way to the top of Dalt Vila bumped into all sorts of people (at 6,15/30!!), including having to help two Spanish girls find the venue for their next party! Ha!
Sunrise was very cloudy, but beautiful nonetheless, this pic was taken about 7ish...
A full morning doing a bit more reading around Romani history during the Nazi years (read in the square where everyone hangs out), writing an update for our church, cleaning, writing some stuff for 24-7...and now I'm off to pick Asha up from D-Nens....wonder what fun things she's been doing this morning?!

Today (well, this morning) I'm grateful for;
1) Another good time at the top of Dalt Vila this morning.
2) Feeling productive....can relax with Asha guilt-free this afternoon!
3) Skype with my sis.

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