Between meetings...

This is the one and only photo I've taken all day - apologies it's so lacking! Quickly snapped it on our walk between meetings and church this afternoon/evening.

It's been a full and busy day, we're all having to change the way we receive money and pay tax here in Ibiza - there are a lot of hoops to jump through and a lot of things to pay for, tax, social security and IVA...this is definitely not the kind of thing that makes me feel alive!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) the privilege of living in a place people come to have a holiday. It really is so beautiful.
2) Meeting the lovely short-term team that are here - they were so interesting, and interested!
3) Asha's favourite seat on the bus being available on the way to and from San An...bus journeys are so much easier when Asha's happy. Her seat is the very back row, left side by the window!

Forgot to do my 3 yesterday!

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