At Last

By 8

An IKEA Kinda Day

Peeing down. Grey. Flat light. E back to work :-(
Nothing for it but to assemble the flatpack table we got to replace the table whose legs we cut off to go outside ( reassemble that sentence construction anyway you want till it makes more sense) :-)

And did some editing of a couple of poems to go into our upcoming Tidelines exhibition... below...

In sand
Hands in the sand
My hands in the sand
Need my hands in the sand
Sigh of the shore
Seeps into my pores
Thrill of the storm
Leaks from the land
Liquid edge of land
Need my hands in the sand
Shoals of moon
Need my hands in the sand
Skim the shattered edge
Need my hands in the sand
Promise of the curl
Scatter of surf
Stranded lace and frill
Birth of a wave
Need my hands in the sand
My hands in the sand
Hands in the sand
In sand

and the second one - which I think I like better...

Northern Shore
Sudden squall
off the north shore tonight,
a scatter of gulls
in my belly
his tumbling words
spill like foam
on the sand,
then his hand, sudden in mine.
Bedrock erodes,
shorelines trespassed
his spiralling curls
flood my fingers
no longer forbidden
a tangled line
frays borders,
foreign words play on tongues.
I pull him down deep
where blue isn’t cold
wake secrets,
stir currents,
seek treasure
in the ebb of the tide
and the flow of his love
I am cast.

And the extra pic - yes I confess I am one of those annoying people who begin assembling flatpack furniture by sorting out all the bits into neat little piles and counting them before I even begin reading the instructions. Just don't get me started, okay????

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