"" Bark " ing up the wrong tree.!

After my gym visit this morning, I went for a walk into Newbridge Fields, to look for a blip. Usually during the school Summer  holiday, it's full of children with their parents, letting off steam, but not today. It was so quiet, and lots of the footpaths were flooded with water, so that I had to walk on the grass. This wasn't a good idea, as I got my new trainers filthy dirty underneath. Now this may sound silly, but they aren't meant for walking outside, so in future, I will have to take a spare pair of shoes. I spent about half an hour cleaning the mud out of the grooves underneath. They are now as good as new. I was hoping to get a bird blip, but I didn't see, or hear anything. Just as I was going to phone J to pick me up, I saw this face in the bark of a tree. I have done something similar before, but what do you think it looks like? I thought it could be an owl winking at me! Maybe I have a vivid imagination, but see what you can see. 

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