A garden pond for Iggle Piggle

Ella and Nathaniel were happy to give their mum a kiss and get into our car. They managed the hour long journey well without resorting to electronic distractions by "reading" books and singing - and constant talking. We did have our first "When will we be at your house?" about half way there. As soon as the arrived they ran about in the puddles getting thoroughly soaked, what with the splashing and the rain.

The weather was rubbish - cold and wet, so while Nathaniel was having his nap Ella and I made some "perfume" using herbs from the garden, then we collected some flowers to make a little garden pond for Iggle Piggle, a character in a TV programme she liked when much younger. Now she and Nathaniel like Peppa Pig.

When he woke the rain had eased so we went to the park for a good run around. Nathaniel was fascinated by the river, and Ella found an older girl to kick the ball around with.

They both asked for seconds of the fish pie, and Nathaniel learned a new word from Ella -"delicious!". He's beginning to run a few words together - it's lovely to see him progress every time we see him.

They are both in bed, presumably asleep. It's great that they are so happy to spend time with us without their parents. (Dad has less holidays than mum who has gone to London to visit friends for 3 days.)

The forecast is rain all day tomorrow which makes it harder work for us, so it'll be the swimming pool after breakfast, then what?!

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