Must be Monday. It has rained all night and most of today.First job was to bring in the next lot of cows and calves to spean (wean). The 3 bikes got them down the hill road eventually,but A4 got to the same bit of low dyke as the last day and decided she was off again. Luckily no calves followed this time,so left her to it.
Next job was down the road with the trailer to bring home the cow with mastitis. She is fairly sick looking,and didn't take much chasing to get in. Stripped out the teat and filled her full of Pen Strep and will see how she is tomorrow.
Then went to get a calf to twin onto 507 who had a dead calf on Saturday. Put the skin on it off the dead calf to fool the cow into thinking its her own calf,gave it a suck off the 2 front teats and bunged them both in a pen. Hopefully she will take it.
Then back down the road to check the bullocks and heifers. When I came home,the family were away to the cinema to see" Ant man" at the I Max. Seems like they enjoyed it. Still raining tonight and cool. Nearly August and the stove lit . Welcome to Scottish summer !
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