Capital adventures

By marchmont

Birthday girl

Not the best photo of my mum at her 90th birthday party but in fine form nevertheless.  There were 13 of us, including her aunt, 97 next month.  How many people are 90 and are not the oldest member of their family?

I spent the morning getting everything ready and the afternoon eating the food.

Unfortunately the day came to a sad end.  It rained uncontrollably and mum took a dizzy turn, not the pink champagne. But after a call to 111 and a call from the nice out of hours doctor she was pronounced ok, if tired and we took her home. 

The dizzy turn came after the two doctors in the family had already left to drive  home to Newcastle.  Their wedding has been set, but I will miss it.  

Outside, it was freezing cold, it was wet and I was tired.  And Molly was out, or next door. So ended Sunday.

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