Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

Camping Day 4

I've made it 4 days! I cannot believe how fast the weekend has gone. Will, his brother Tom and his Dad all wanted to do a bit of fishing but before as Tom and Sophie are off home today we packed up their tent, and belongings so that if it did start to rain they weren't getting soaking wet. Low and behold it started to chuck it down just as we arrived at the lake where they were fishing. 
We all went along but the weather was just so bad that Tom and Sophie left to head back to London and me and Will escaped to go for a warm and tasty pub lunch at a place around the corner. The weather was absolutely terrible but our lunch was really great. Just what we needed after sitting in the rain for around 3 hours. Ken and Liz weren't finished fishing by the time we finished lunch so we headed back to camp. We must have been absolutely shattered because as soon as our heads hit our pillows in the tent we both zonked out. The fun from yesterday has defiantly caught up with us. 

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