
Katies new favourite cafe. 15 flavours of ice cream, all served with heaps of marshmallows or sprinkles and very fabulous customer service. They have gorgeous cushion piles and interesting seating places, but she chose instead to walk and eat! In the rain. After buying the ice cream, we walked past the independent shoe shop and discovered it had a closing down sale. Subsequently Katie has some scrummy new shoes; well-timed given that I had to clear 4 pairs that she's outgrown. Super cute Toms are now adorning her feet. 

Cinema trip today. We went for our second trip to the kids club film using her voucher from school. We saw Home today and both loved it- though she was hesitant at the climax of the story, it was definitely our most successful film in a while! 

She's pretty tired out so we shall head home and play quietly. She has her eyes on a grown ups colouring book that I was given recently. 

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