Ranger, the Red-tailed Hawk

With all of the other birds and animals I got today, it was hard to settle on this red-tailed hawk, because Ranger was in a cage. Ranger was out hunting on the park roads, and was hit by a car. They think he has some brain damage, and will be unable to return to the wild. (I hope they're wrong.)

But...but...but (that's 3 buts), the eyes got to me. You can see right into his little hawk soul. I did have to use manual focus because I was shooting through some wire, but I still like the probing eyes.

After the starting sadness of the hawk, it was fun to happen upon a family of sand-hill cranes. Two adults, and two kids...sharing the path with me. One of the kids was quite a performer. Scratching, preening, and stretching, all within 5 feet of me.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157656572569755 Those pictures are on my Flickr page, along with a 3 week-old goat, and some progression shots of the piglets, who are now 25 days old. My, how those little piggies do grow! Also on the set...mama swan still sitting on her nest.

Have a look if you have time. Cuteness factor...off the charts.

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