
By Instography

Sunflower chilli

Sunday. Hmm. Who knows? I'm sure it was typical. Ah, no, quite early rising, pottering, a long time spent in the garage hunched over a dovetail jig. Having worked out the settings yesterday it was time to make the cuts for the box. All went well. Some minor tearout and the fairly important mistake of putting the front and back boards into the jig the wrong way round so the inside had to become the outside. Which matters a bit since the wood is reclaimed oak floorboards and the back isn't as nice as the front. More sanding and little gaps between the boards. Shite.

All cutting done, dinner (chilli - Ellen was much pleased with her chilli, nacho and bean sunflower) changed and along to Tina's for a wee get together. Very pleasant. But some unusual and prolonged sitting seems to have added to the day's hunching so my back starts aching. It will get progressively more sore in the night and I'll sleep badly, it'll do some quite painful spasms when I get up tomorrow so I'll work from home  (for which there is no photo).

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