Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Web of life

Giddy? Yes, perhaps?

There are so many fascinating things going on today. Butterflies drift over the waving grass-heads, Dragonflies skip amongst the reeds and lilies down by the coolly running river, a couple of horses swish their tales like Maharaja's servants fans and late hatching grubs rush about in rubber band style.

In the clear morning sun the river sparkles out a myriad of bewitching lights, hypnotising and so beautiful. As I sit on the river bank the sound of metropolis's full of bugs reaches out of the hidden cathedrals of grass. Here, in the middle of a city, nature still reigns supreme, ignorant and in spite of humans and their devices. I could sit here all day!

Underneath a row of trees small silk catapillers have woven the most stunning seascape of lace silk, not like spiders webs which gently undulate in the slightest breeze, but liquid like, more solid, like the sea when it's calm...permanently moving. They wriggle around weaving this most lovely of dwellings, busy and determined,their time is short, already a few birds have token notice of such industry. Makes you wonder doesn't it, this cycle of life...we are not so different....we rush what end?

Anyway...time for work..see you all tomorrow :)

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