Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Colourful people...

I had some spare time this morning, so off to the climbing wall for the second time this week. This visit I had way more time to play, longer routes and more endurance stuff. 2 hours later and my hands and fore arms were on felt great!

I spent a little time wandering about Cambridge, looking at all the lovely people. Most visitors get marched round the usual stuff and miss all the truly fab bits of this wonderful city. As I sat on 'Kings Parade' wall, a favourite spot for me, a Chinese family turned up and proceeded to have their own little private fashion shoot! Oh it was great fun as the chap got in all kinds of positions to get the shots he wanted, meanwhile his lady had many a pose in her repertoire. One hand on her hip and pointing at the Chapel was my absolute fave, hips pushed out and a real 'posh spice' pout!

Oblivious to all around they went through their complete set up. I wonder at how many photographs they have of her doing all that, the same poses but with different backgrounds?


I do so love eccentric people, they make the world more interesting, alive and curious. We, in this country, used to have the monopoly on eccentricity but sadly we seem to be becoming rather dull....perhaps we should have an ECCENTRICITY DAY!

Anyway....TFIF !

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