
By CharlotteJ

Diary Management!

Good job I manage my own dairy…I completely forgot I booked a riding lesson today.  I have not been in the saddle in many, many years and have decided to take some lessons to build confidence up ready for our Peru trip in December.  We will have a day trekking out there and I want to feel as comfortable as possible around a strange horse!  The lesson was for half hour and I am glad that is all it was for – inner thigh certainly knows about it.  I loved every second of the lesson; it felt good to be back!  My next lesson is in a weeks’ time.

In other news, just waiting on Mum to call on Dad….he has had another tiny walk and they are also waiting on further blood test results.  He is sleeping a lot, but that can’t be a bad thing (well, we hope not)

Anyway, its wine time J 

Todays blip, Sunflowers I brought today – they are such a happy flower.

Edit:Anyone know why there is a pink hue to the white background?  Doesn't look like this in lightroom?  only when I upload to blip??

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