Times Of My Life

By CarolB

The Weekend Starts Here!

Friday.  I have achieved stuff today! 

I got hold of the guy who gives my garden the occasional tidy up, and arranged for him to come this morning to cut the hedge. 

I went to work for a couple of hours, as my colleague is still off, and managed to get through quite a bit of work.

I went to the hairdresser for a trim, and heard how my lovely wee hairdresser managed to get rid of her two-timing long-time boyfriend, and is now going on holiday with her much nicer new boyfriend.

I popped into a furniture shop which was having a sale, and bought a new nest of tables for the livingroom to replace my old ones, which were falling to bits.

I came home and threw together a delicious salad, very colourful, and had it for tea with some Quiche Lorraine and tabbouleh.  All very yummy. 

Now I am having a wee glass of red (South African Cabernet Sauvignon), and catching up with Blip and FB. 

Hurrah!  It's the weekend. 

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