
happy :)

Just a normal lazy Sunday post Street Pastor shift!  So sleepy today even though I only did a half shift but I kept waking after dreaming about mice last night, so I think I need to eat less cheese/chocolate  things before bed!! I was intending to go to a morning service at a different church, but just too sleepy....think I'll go to another one this evening instead as we don't have an evening service :)

I am looking after next door's cat, Katy this weekend and she has to have medicine in tuna after her sachet breakfast.  This morning I made the mistake of opening the tuna before she'd finished eating her breakfast and she was dancing round me but wouldn't have anymore breakfast.  I had to put the tuna on a different plate for her to eat to make sure she took the medicine in the end.  What a cheeky puss (she's a beauty though) :)

Billy is still not happy about coming in through the catflap which is a bit of a worry.  

Last night he was still out when I came home at 2.30am and I wasn't going to fiddle and make him come through the flap at that time so let him in the door.  I tied it up to help him come in for breakfast after he'd gone out himself, then let it down whilst he was eating, so he could only go out by pushing the door, but I still had to show him again...  Not sure what else I can do, just hoping that he'll be ok when I'm away next week (obviously the neighbours will still come in and feed him, but I'd hate him to be unhappy...

Any cat blippers got advice?

Happy Sunday folks, have a good one :)

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