In the shadows danger lurks...

Merlot waiting to spring an ambush on anything that might it cat butterfly or bird. He hadn't allowed for the fact that I was there to shoo anything away... 

A bright sunny day so far - lots of butterflies around today see extra.

A lie in this am as we got a call from D's home saying that she needed to go to A & E. I took C to the home & she went with D to the hospital - this was about 1930. At 10 C rang to say that she hadn't been seen as yet.
Arranged to pick her up at 11 but she didn't show until 1120 saying that D had been discharged but couldn't get her home - no transport . So we arranged a wheelchair taxi. Zoomed back to collect her wheelchair then back to A& E with it. The Taxi arrived at midnight & took her "home". I followed & picked up C. We finally got in at 12:30 am. The trouble was C had had a "couple" of glasses of wine - but fortunately I hadn't had any so I was the driver !

Happy Sunday !

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